Boys Soccer @ Midland Valley-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:00pm
(Midland Valley High School, 227 Mustang Dr, Graniteville, SC 29829, USA)
(South Carolina State Fair, 1200 Rosewood Dr, Columbia, SC 29201, USA)
FT-Chorus & Theatre(Wrona)-Koger Center-6:00pm-11:30pm
(Koger Center for the Arts, 1051 Greene St, Columbia, SC 29201, USA)
Pretty Eagles Dance Rehearsal(Barrett)-Small Gym-3:35pm-5:30pm
Softball @ Aiken-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:30pm
(Aiken High School, 449 Rutland Dr, Aiken, SC 29801, USA)
Student Government(Martinez Cruz)-SCASC State Convention @ Spring Valley HS
(Spring Valley High School, 120 Sparkleberry Ln, Columbia, SC 29229, USA)
Varsity Baseball @ Aiken-7:00pm
(Aiken High School, 449 Rutland Dr, Aiken, SC 29801, USA)
Varsity Girls Soccer(Morris)-Crescent Cup
11:59 PM
Baseball @ River Bluff-12:00pm(JV/B-Team DH)
(River Bluff High School, 320 Corley Mill Rd, Lexington, SC 29072, USA)
Student Government(Martinez Cruz)-SCASC State Convention @ Spring Valley HS
(Spring Valley High School, 120 Sparkleberry Ln, Columbia, SC 29229, USA)
Varsity Girls Soccer(Morris)-Crescent Cup
11:59 PM
Winterguard Competition(Pazdernik)-Rock Hill HS-9:28am
(Rock Hill High School, 320 W Springdale Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730, USA)
Archery & Drill Team Tryouts/Practices(Greene)-Rm. 701-3:30pm-4:30pm
Baseball @ AC Flora-6:30pm(B-Team only)
(A.C. Flora High School, 1 Falcon Dr, Columbia, SC 29204, USA)
Boys Golf vs Dutch Fork/Lugoff Elgin @ Charwood-JV-4:00pm
(Charwood Golf Club, 222 Clubhouse Dr #2589, West Columbia, SC 29172, USA)
Boys Volleyball Open Season(Beaver)-Arena-4:00pm-5:30pm
End of 3rd Nine Weeks
End of Q3
GT Voice Lessons(Wrona)-Chorus Rm.-3:30pm-8:30pm
Girls Soccer-BC JV vs AHS B-Team @ Airport-5:30pm
Pretty Eagles Dance Rehearsal(Barrett)-Small Gym-3:35pm-5:30pm
Schedule Request Blitz(Miller)-Auditorium-9th, 10th, 11th-Various Blocks
11:59 PM
Softball @ Midland Valley-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:30pm
(Midland Valley High School, 227 Mustang Dr, Graniteville, SC 29829, USA)
Spring Play Rehearsal(White)-Auditorium-4:00pm-7:00pm
Varsity Baseball vs Midland Valley-7:00pm
Varsity Boys Golf-Magnolia Tournament @ Beech Creek-TBD
11:59 PM
(Beech Creek Golf Club, 1800 Sam Gillespie Blvd, Sumter, SC 29154, USA)
Winterguard Practice(Pazdernik)-Band Room-4:00pm-6:30pm
Archery & Drill Team Tryouts/Practices(Greene)-Rm. 701-3:30pm-4:30pm
Baseball @ Irmo-5:30pm(JV/B-Team DH)
(Irmo High School, 6671 St Andrews Rd, Columbia, SC 29212, USA)
Boys Soccer @ South Aiken-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:00pm
(South Aiken High School, 232 E Pine Log Rd, Aiken, SC 29803, USA)
Boys Tennis vs South Aiken-5:00pm
Boys Volleyball Open Season(Beaver)-Arena-4:00pm-5:30pm
Chess Club(Key)-Cafeteria-3:30pm-5:00pm
Girls Soccer vs South Aiken-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:00pm
Lexington Sheriff’s Department(R. Davis)-Cafeteria-All Lunches
Schedule Request Blitz(Miller)-Auditorium-9th, 10th, 11th-Various Blocks
11:59 PM
Show Choir Rehearsal(Wrona)-Chorus Rm.-4:00pm-5:30pm
Spring Play Rehearsal(White)-Auditorium-4:00pm-7:00pm
Varsity Boys Golf-Magnolia Tournament @ Beech Creek-TBD
11:59 PM
(Beech Creek Golf Club, 1800 Sam Gillespie Blvd, Sumter, SC 29154, USA)
Winterguard Practice(Pazdernik)-Small Gym-4:00pm-6:30pm
Lexington Two Board of Trustees Special Called Meeting
5:30 PM
7:30 PM
Carolina Rogue Volleyball Practice(Metts)-Arena & Old Gym-5:00pm-6:30pm
Early Release Day for Students
Early Release-12:30pm Dismissal for students
Girls Soccer @ Orangeburg Wilkinson-Varsity-5:30pm
(Orangeburg Wilkinson High School, 601 Bruin Dr, Orangeburg, SC 29118, USA)
Schedule Request Blitz(Miller)-Auditorium-9th, 10th, 11th-Various Blocks
11:59 PM
Softball vs Midland Valley-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:30pm
Track @ White Knoll-5:30pm
(White Knoll High School, 5643 Platt Springs Rd, Lexington, SC 29073, USA)
Varsity Baseball @ Midland Valley-7:00pm
(Midland Valley High School, 227 Mustang Dr, Graniteville, SC 29829, USA)
Archery & Drill Team Tryouts/Practices(Greene)-Rm. 701-3:30pm-4:30pm
Baseball @ Pelion-5:30pm(JV/B-Team DH)
(Pelion High School, 600 Lydia Dr, Pelion, SC 29123, USA)
Boys Golf vs Aiken/River Bluff @ Charwood-Varsity-4:00pm
(Charwood Golf Club, 222 Clubhouse Dr #2589, West Columbia, SC 29172, USA)
Boys Tennis vs North Augusta-5:00pm
Boys Volleyball Open Season(Beaver)-Arena-4:00pm-5:30pm
Columbia Community Band-Chorus Rm.-7:15pm-10:00pm
French Club(Reddick)-Rm. 606-3:30pm-4:30pm
Girls Soccer vs Swansea-B-Team-5:30pm
Report Cards-Q3
Schedule Request Blitz(Miller)-Auditorium-9th, 10th, 11th-Various Blocks
11:59 PM
Softball @ Irmo-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:15pm
(Irmo High School, 6671 St Andrews Rd, Columbia, SC 29212, USA)
Spring Play Rehearsal(White)-Auditorium-4:00pm-7:00pm
Winterguard Practice(Pazdernik)-Small Gym-4:00pm-6:30pm
Archery & Drill Team Tryouts/Practices(Greene)-Rm. 701-3:30pm-4:30pm
Baseball @ Cardinal Newman-5:30pm(JV only)
(Cardinal Newman School, 2945 Alpine Rd, Columbia, SC 29223, USA)
Boys Golf vs ALA Academy @ Oak Hills-JV-4:00pm
(Oak Hills Golf Club, 7629 Fairfield Rd, Columbia, SC 29203, USA)
Boys Golf vs BC/White Knoll @ Charwood-Varsity-4:00pm
(Charwood Golf Club, 222 Clubhouse Dr #2589, West Columbia, SC 29172, USA)
Boys Soccer vs Westwood-Varsity-7:00pm
Boys Volleyball Open Season(Beaver)-Arena-4:00pm-5:30pm
Education Foundation Meeting-Rm. 100-6:00pm
FAFSA Day(R. Davis)-Media Center-10:00am-1:30pm
GT Voice Lessons(Wrona)-Chorus Rm.-3:30pm-8:30pm
Girls Soccer vs Westwood-Varsity-5:30pm
Girls Soccer vs Woodland-B-Team-6:00pm(Field 2)
Pretty Eagles Dance Rehearsal(Barrett)-Small Gym-3:35pm-5:30pm
Softball vs South Aiken-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:30pm
Spring Play Rehearsal(White)-Auditorium-4:00pm-7:00pm
Varsity Baseball @ South Aiken-7:00pm
(South Aiken High School, 232 E Pine Log Rd, Aiken, SC 29803, USA)
Winterguard Practice(Pazdernik)-Band Room-4:00pm-6:30pm
Archery & Drill Team Tryouts/Practices(Greene)-Rm. 701-3:30pm-4:30pm
Boys Soccer @ South Florence-JV-6:00pm/Varsity-7:30pm
(South Florence High School, 3200 S Irby St, Florence, SC 29505, USA)
Carolina Rogue Volleyball Practice(Metts)-Arena & Old Gym-5:00pm-6:30pm
Charity Drive 2024(Martinez Cruz)
11:59 PM
Club Volleyball(Metts)-Arena-6:30pm-8:30pm
Girls Soccer vs South Florence-JV-6:00pm/Varsity-7:30pm
Pretty Eagles Dance Rehearsal(Barrett)-Small Gym-3:35pm-5:30pm
Softball @ South Aiken-Varsity-5:30pm(Double Header)
(South Aiken High School, 232 E Pine Log Rd, Aiken, SC 29803, USA)
Track @ Lexington-5:00pm(Quad Meet)
(Lexington High School, 2463 Augusta Hwy, Lexington, SC 29072, USA)
Varsity Baseball vs South Aiken-7:00pm
Archery & Drill Team Tryouts/Practices(Greene)-Rm. 701-3:30pm-4:30pm
Baseball @ Dreher-5:30pm(B-Team DH)
(Dreher High School, 3319 Millwood Ave, Columbia, SC 29205, USA)
Boys Golf vs Dutch Fork/Newberry @ Timberlake-Varsity-4:00pm
(Timberlake Country Club, 222 Timberlake Dr, Chapin, SC 29036, USA)
Boys Golf vs Ridgeview/Edisto @ Charwood-JV-4:00pm
(Charwood Golf Club, 222 Clubhouse Dr #2589, West Columbia, SC 29172, USA)
Boys Tennis vs Aiken-5:00pm
Boys Volleyball Open Season(Beaver)-Arena-4:00pm-5:30pm
CD-Bonfire(Martinez Cruz)-Field beside Field House-6:30pm-8:00pm
Charity Drive 2024(Martinez Cruz)
11:59 PM
Columbia Community Band-Chorus Rm.-7:15pm-10:00pm
Lex2 Board Meeting @ L2IC-6:00pm
(Lexington 2 Innovation Center, 509 Bulldog Blvd, Cayce, SC 29033, USA)
Softball @ Brookland Cayce-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:00pm
(Brookland Cayce High School, 1300 State St, Cayce, SC 29033, USA)
Spring Play Rehearsal(White)-Auditorium-4:00pm-7:00pm
Varsity Baseball @ South Aiken-7:00pm
(South Aiken High School, 232 E Pine Log Rd, Aiken, SC 29803, USA)
Winterguard Practice(Pazdernik)-Small Gym-4:00pm-6:30pm
Heroes and Heroines Society Reception
5:30 PM
6 PM
Lexington Two Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
6 PM
9 PM
(Innovation Center)
Baseball vs Westwood-12:00pm(JV/B-Team DH)
Carolina Rogue Volleyball Matches(Metts)-Arena & Old Gym-8:00am-5:00pm
Charity Drive 2024(Martinez Cruz)
11:59 PM
Mr. Eagle Interviews-Media Center-8:00am-10:00am
Mr. Eagle-Auditorium-6:00pm-7:00pm
Strength Meet-State Championships @ Lexington HS-10:00am
(Lexington High School, 2463 Augusta Hwy, Lexington, SC 29072, USA)
Track-Bob Jenkins Coaches Classic @ Aiken-TBA
(Aiken High School, 449 Rutland Dr, Aiken, SC 29801, USA)
Winterguard Competition @ Pickens HS-8:15am-7:15pm
(Pickens High School, 500 Dragon Dr, Jasper, GA 30143, USA)
Archery & Drill Team Tryouts/Practices(Greene)-Rm. 701-3:30pm-4:30pm
Boys Soccer @ Horse Creek-Varsity-5:30pm
Boys Volleyball Open Season(Beaver)-Arena-4:00pm-5:30pm
Charity Drive 2024(Martinez Cruz)
11:59 PM
Charity Drive Activities for the day
Chorus(Wrona)-Choral Performance Assessment @ St. Andrews Presbyterian Church-8:30am-3:00pm
(St Andrews Presbyterian Church, 6952 St Andrews Rd, Columbia, SC 29212, USA)
FT-Mentor Program(Nickerson/Hollingsworth)-Bone-Appetite-11:45am-2:00pm
(Bone-Appetite, 309 Oak Dr, Lexington, SC 29073, USA)
GT Voice Lessons(Wrona)-Chorus Rm.-3:30pm-8:30pm
Girls Soccer @ Pelion-B-Team-5:30pm/Varsity-7:00pm
(Pelion High School, 600 Lydia Dr, Pelion, SC 29123, USA)
Pretty Eagles Dance Rehearsal(Barrett)-Small Gym-3:35pm-5:30pm
Softball @ North Augusta-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:30pm
(North Augusta High School, 2000 Knobcone Ave, North Augusta, SC 29841, USA)
Spring Play Rehearsal(White)-Auditorium-4:00pm-7:00pm
Varsity Baseball vs North Augusta-7:00pm
Winterguard Practice(Pazdernik)-Band Room-4:00pm-6:30pm
Archery & Drill Team Practices(Greene)-Rm. 701-3:30pm-4:30pm
Baseball vs Gilbert-5:30pm(JV/B-Team DH)
Boys Soccer vs Midland Valley-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:00pm
Boys Tennis @ Midland Valley-5:00pm
(Midland Valley High School, 227 Mustang Dr, Graniteville, SC 29829, USA)
Boys Volleyball Open Season(Beaver)-Arena-4:00pm-5:30pm
Charity Drive 2024(Martinez Cruz)
11:59 PM
Charity Drive Activities for the Day
Chess Club(Key)-Cafeteria-3:30pm-5:00pm
Girls Soccer @ Midland Valley-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:00pm
(Midland Valley High School, 227 Mustang Dr, Graniteville, SC 29829, USA)
Show Choir Rehearsal(Wrona)-Chorus Rm.-4:00pm-5:30pm
Softball @ Midland Valley-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:30pm
(Midland Valley High School, 227 Mustang Dr, Graniteville, SC 29829, USA)
Spring Play Rehearsal(White)-Auditorium-4:00pm-7:00pm
Winterguard Practice(Pazdernik)-Small Gym-4:00pm-6:30pm
Archery & Drill Team Practices(Greene)-Rm. 701-3:30pm-4:30pm
Baseball vs Pelion-5:30pm(JV/B-Team DH)
Boys Golf(Crowley)-Palmetto Championship-Pawleys Island, SC
11:59 PM
Boys Golf-Palmetto Championship @ Pawleys Island-Varsity-TBD
11:59 PM
Boys Tennis @ South Aiken-5:00pm
(South Aiken High School, 232 E Pine Log Rd, Aiken, SC 29803, USA)
Boys Volleyball Open Season(Beaver)-Arena-4:00pm-5:30pm
Charity Drive 2024(Martinez Cruz)
11:59 PM
Charity Drive Activities for the Day
Columbia Community Band-Chorus Rm.-7:15pm-10:00pm
FT-Band(Spitler)-Concert Per. Assessment @ Nation Ford HS-8:30am-5:00pm
(Nation Ford High School, 1400 A O Jones Blvd, Fort Mill, SC 29715, USA)
FT-Orchestra(C. Richardson)-SCMEA Concert Perf. Assessment @ Irmo HS-11:20am-3:30pm
(Irmo High School, 6671 St Andrews Rd, Columbia, SC 29212, USA)
Girls Soccer @ South Aiken-JV-5:30pm/Varsity-7:00pm
(South Aiken High School, 232 E Pine Log Rd, Aiken, SC 29803, USA)
Marching Band Meeting(Spitler)-Band Room-7:00pm-8:00pm
Spring Play Rehearsal(White)-Auditorium-4:00pm-7:00pm
Track @ River Bluff-5:15pm
(River Bluff High School, 320 Corley Mill Rd, Lexington, SC 29072, USA)
Winterguard Practice(Pazdernik)-Small Gym-4:00pm-6:30pm
Winterguard(Pazdernik)-Friends & Family Show-Arena-6:00pm-6:30pm