Academics » Math Curriculum Adoption

Math Curriculum Adoption

Parents and community members, as part of the upcoming statewide adoption for new mathematics curriculum, Lexington Two will be making a district selection that will serve as our primary instructional resource for the coming years. We would like your input as to which curriculum we select.
The South Carolina Department of Education first solicited submissions from textbook publishers. These were then reviewed by panels of educators and content experts to narrow down to a handful of selections. The materials were on display for public review at locations around the state and public feedback was used in finalizing the curriculum choices presented to the State Board of Education. These materials were approved by the State Board and are now what districts across South Carolina can choose from for this curriculum adoption cycle.
Below are the choices available at elementary, middle, and high school.  Please review these options and share your thoughts regarding the pros and/or cons of each.  This feedback will be used as we make a final district selection later this spring.  All feedback needs to be received by February 20th.
Each has a full-access digital preview linked below.  Physical copies from some publishers are also available for review at the District Education Center by appointment.  To schedule an appointment, please call (803) 739-3186.
Clicking the image for each program will take you to a digital program overview. Then you can use the links and usernames/passwords below to explore further for yourself.


K-5 Elementary School Options (5 to choose from)

Eureka Math logo Reveal Math logo enVision
Great Minds Eureka Math McGraw-Hill Reveal Math
Savvas enVision Math
Savvas Experience Math

Preview Link

Password: math-sc!

Preview Link

Username: SCreviewK5math24

Password: SCK5Math24

Preview Link
Username: SCReview24
Password: SCReviewer2024

iReady Math Logo

Kiddom logo


Curriculum Associates iReady Math

Kiddom South Carolina Math


Password: SCRCLReviewK8
Preview Link



6-8 Middle School Options (4 to choose from)

Math Nation Logo iReady Math Logo Reveal Math logo
Math Nation by Accelerate Learning Curriculum Associates iReady Math McGraw-Hill Reveal Math

Preview Link

Password: SCRCLReviewK8

Preview Link

Username: SCreview612math24

Password: SC612Math24

Savvas logo



Savvas enVision



Preview Link

Username: SCReview24

Password: SCReviewer2024



9-12 High School
BFW Logo Walch Education Logo National Geographic & Cengage Logo
Bedford, Freeman, and Worth
Subject Areas: Statistical Modeling, AP Calculus, AP Statistics
BW Walch
Subject Areas: Algebra I, Algebra II, Applications and Modeling
National Geographic/Cengage
Subject Areas: Precalculus, Calculus, AP Calculus, Statistical Modeling

Preview Link

Username: [email protected]

Password: Review2025!

Preview Link
Username: scpanel.t1
Password: scT3mp###

Preview Link
Password: SCMathReview25

Savvas logo CPM Mathematics McGraw-Hill
Savvas Learning Company
Subject Areas: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Discrete, Precalculus, Calculus, Statistical Modeling, AP Statistics, Reasoning in Mathematics
College Preparatory Mathematics
Subject Area: Calculus
Subject Areas: Statistical Modeling, Precalculus

Preview Link

Username: SCReview24

Password: SCReviewer2024

Preview Link

Username: sc.20

Password: CPMmath1224

Preview Link

Username: SCReviewAP2024

Password: SCReview2024

Illustrative Math Logo Kiddom logo Math Nation Logo
Kendall Hunt Illustrative Mathematics
Subject Area: Algebra I
Subject Area: Geometry, Algebra I, Algebra II
Accelerate Learning Math Nation
Subject Areas: Geometry, Algebra I, Algebra II

Preview Link
Username: [email protected]
Password: KnowUseandEnjoy

Preview Link