Lexington Two's adult education program wins 2 awards

WEST COLUMBIA, SC -- Lexington Two’s adult education program was recognized recently with two awards from the South Carolina Office of Adult Education.

During the office’s recent Celebrating Our Success Awards, Lexington 2’s program was awarded:

  • The High School Equivalency Diploma Award, given to the top 10 programs in the state with the highest percentage of high school equivalency diplomas awarded. Lexington 2 was ranked second overall in the state.

  • Vocational Rehabilitation Career Readiness Certificates (CRC) Award, presented to programs that have awarded CRCs to at least 80 percent of their fundable Vocational Rehabilitation students.

The Celebrating Our Success Awards recognized achievements from the 2018-19 year for Lexington Two’s adult education program, which operates in conjunction with Lexington 4.

The adult education program is located at 114 Hook Ave. in West Columbia.