Agendas, Minutes and Public Participation
In Lexington Two, our goal is to keep the public informed about the business of the district.
Lexington Two started using BoardDocs in the 2021-2022 school year to post meeting agendas and to upload related meeting documents. Visit BoardDocs by clicking this link.
In addition, board agendas and minutes from recent years are posted here, and an archive of board agendas and minutes from earlier years can be found by clicking here.
While agendas can be found on both the website and BoardDocs, minutes prior to August 5, 2021, are at this time posted to the website only.
We encourage members of the public to attend our school board meetings. For those unable to attend our monthly meetings in person, meetings may be viewed virtually on our YouTube channel. Videos of board meetings remain posted to our YouTube channel.
We welcome public participation at our meetings. Below is Lexington Two Board Policy BEDH, with guidelines for instructions on public participation at monthly meetings. Those who wish to speak during public participation will find additional guidelines with this link.