Even in a most unusual holiday season, Lexington Two's giving spirit is a constant

WEST COLUMBIA, SC -- In this most unusual year, there is at least one constant during the holiday season: the giving spirit of Lexington Two schools to help those in the community in need.


Since the official kickoff of the holiday season at Thanksgiving, schools across the district have collected food, written letters, adopted families and more. Here is a sampling of some of the schools’ efforts:


Riverbank Elementary School:  Students sent more than 300 handmade holiday cards to veterans in hospice care around the country as part of Operation Holiday Salute, sponsored by Spartanburg-based Veteran’s Last Patrol. Students also collected 527 cans of food for the Cayce Cares pantry.


Northside Middle School: The school held a food drive -- with a fun twist -- sponsored by the Student Council. Everyone who brought in 2 food items was entered into a Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament, from which grade-level and staff winners emerged on the way to a final showdown. The school collected more than 250 pounds of food -- and teacher Erin McCarthy was crowned Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament champion.  The Fellowship of Christian Athletes collected a number of items, too, for Operation Christmas Child Drive for Samaritan’s Purse, including 30 toys, 26 clothing items, 80 personal care items, 38 school supply items and more. 


Airport High School: The school is holding its annual donation drive for holiday food and gift baskets. The goal is to feed around 65 families, with baskets being assembled and delivered in partnership with the Scooter Scott Project. Leftover food items will help stock the school’s food pantry. Separately, Student Council members have adopted a family, collecting toys, clothing and other items.


Brookland-Cayce High School:  One of the organizations that provides snack bags to Brookland-Cayce students had a cut in funding and was unable to provide them temporarily. So the school’s faculty and staff took up a donation drive to fill the school’s food closet to help students in need with snack bags.  The school also hosts a Holiday Angel Tree to help families in need.


Wood Elementary School: The school is going virtual with its annual Holiday Giving Tree. There are a range of ages, from children to senior citizens, and students, faculty and staff can fill wish lists.


Pine Ridge Middle School: The school is having a grade-level competition food drive to support those in need this season. Community members who want to donate are welcome to drop off items at the main office up until December 18.


New Bridge Academy: The school, in partnership with State Street Baptist and a couple other local churches, has created Santa's Workshop for students. Community partners donated gifts, and students who might want to make sure a loved one has a gift under the tree are free to shop the workshop -- set up in the school library -- and pick out a gift. Santa's Helpers will even do the gift-wrapping free.