Discipline Policy and Code of Conduct
Lexington District Two has district-wide elementary/middle and high school discipline policies that are mandated. The purpose of these policies is to ensure that all students receive fair and consistent discipline when school rules and/or state laws are violated.
Copies of this policy or a summary thereof will be transmitted at the beginning of school to parents/guardians. This policy lists a schedule of offenses (Categories I through IV), who handles them (teacher, administrator, law enforcement) and the codes for actions required to be taken (detention, suspension, expulsion).
The board believes that school safety is of paramount importance. Therefore, the board supports a ZERO TOLERANCE discipline approach aimed at creating schools that are free from the problems of dangerous weapons, and drugs or alcohol. ZERO TOLERANCE specifically carries an immediate recommendation of expulsion for any student who KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY possesses or transfers weapons, and drugs or alcohol at school or any school-sponsored event. The terms “knowingly and willingly” shall NOT apply to students who immediately SELF-REPORT a violation to a school official and the automatic recommendation for expulsion MAY not apply. The self-reporting exception applies when a student immediately reports the possession of a contraband item to a school official upon discovery. The self-reporting exception DOES NOT apply when evidence indicates that the student knowingly and willingly possessed illegal contraband which they failed to self-report prior to school officials becoming aware of the incident.
Policy JKAA-Spanish
Policy JKAA High School Student Discipline (Issued 5/24) is for grades 9 -12.
Policy JKAB-Spanish
Policy JKAB PK-2/Elementary/Middle School Student Discipline (Issued 5/24) is for grades PK-2, 3-5, and 6-8
Lex 2 Behavior Pyramid