Student Dress Code

Purpose: To establish the basic structure to provide an educational atmosphere conducive to learning. With this responsibility in mind, the board adopts this dress code, which meets the following criteria:
Adheres to applicable legal standards
Is applicable for all schools
Promotes a wholesome educational atmosphere conducive to learning.
The basic responsibility for the appearance of the students of Lexington School District Two rests with the parents and the students themselves.
Parents have the obligation and, within certain prescribed bounds, the right to determine their children’s dress; however, the following guidelines must be followed.
Attire must not be destructive to school property (For example: soccer, football or baseball cleats, golf shoes, etc. must not be worn in the building);
Dress must comply with the health and safety codes of the state of South Carolina;
Dress must not interfere with the educational process or the rights of others;
Shower shoes, flip flops that have a flexible sole, and bedroom shoes are prohibited from wearing at school. For health and safety purposes, any open toe shoe may be deemed unsafe for a student to wear if participating in certain activities such as recess, physical education, vocational classes, assemblies, pep rallies, outside events and other such school related activities deemed by the administration.
Headwear or hair rollers are prohibited in the building;
Sunglasses are prohibited in the building unless they are prescribed;
Any garment that exposes bare midriffs at any time, see-through garments, clinging and revealing material, white undergarment type t-shirts, bare backs, halter tops, low-cut blouses, and tank tops are prohibited;
Obscene, profane language, provocative pictures, advertisement of drugs or alcohol, or racial messages or slurs on clothing or jewelry are prohibited;
Shorts, miniskirts, and culottes-type clothing are allowed with the following restrictions:
-Said garments must be no shorter than “fingertips” in length when worn within the waistline area and must be no higher than mid-thigh when seated; and
-May not be made of clinging material such as, but not limited to, biker shorts and pants, surfer pants form fitting knit material, and any type of sleep/night clothing including pajamas or night gowns;
Pants must be worn within the waistline area at all times (no “sag and bag”). If belts are worn, they must be secured within the waistline area to the pants;
Dog collars, chains, etc. are prohibited.
The wearing of clothing, hair arrangements or other personal adornments or embellishments to include tattoos which are disruptive or interfere with the regular operations of school is expressly prohibited.
The presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory or any manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol or any other attribute, which indicates or implies membership or affiliation with a gang or secret society, is prohibited.
Heelys and wheelies (shoes with wheels) are not allowed.
School administrators will be responsible for enforcing the student dress code. A teacher who recognizes that a student’s garment violates these guidelines will refer the student to an administrator, who will judge the appropriateness of the garment. If the garment violates the dress code policy, the student will not be permitted to attend classes until the inappropriate garment is replaced. A teacher will be allowed to restrict the manner of dress or length of hair when it pertains to the health and/or safety or other requirements of a student in that teacher’s specific area.
Policy JICA Student Dress Code (Issued 6/21)
Schools are not responsible for any personal items/valuables/cell phones/electronic devices/money brought to school.