Please click the correct Registration link below to begin the process. Select the link for NEW or RETURNING students for 2024-2025.
If you don't know which school your child is zoned to attend, please click this link.
Want to tour your child's new school? Contact the school to arrange an in-person visit.
Parents/legal guardians will need to provide the following to register:
- Child’s name, age, date of birth and grade level for the school year
- Photo identification
- Photo of child's birth certificate (long form) and immunization form
- For 4K students only, proof of income (acceptable forms of proof: child’s Medicaid card, parent/legal guardian’s pay stub or income tax information). Additional registration information for new 4K and 5K students may be found by clicking here.
Category A
- Tax receipt showing that both property and dwelling are in Lexington School District Two
- Mortgage receipt or bill
- Rental or lease agreement or a notarized letter from the landlord
Category B (must show current information)
- Cable television bill
- Telephone bill
- Gas/electric bill
- Water/sewer bill
- Official federal government documents
Production of the above enumerated documents does not necessarily establish bona fide residency.
If you do not have proofs of residency in your name, or if you have another special circumstance, contact Student Services by phone at (803) 739-3141 or by stopping in at the office at the District Education Center, 3205 Platt Springs Road, West Columbia, 29170. Hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday during the school year, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday during the summer.
Related links:
Required vaccinations for the 2024-2025 school year
Modified calendar for the 2024-2025 school year
Additional resources for registration:
- PowerSchool enrollment family support:
- PowerSchool family support phone and email: (866) 752-6850, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm
2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR
Important: This application is ONLY for students who will be NEW to the district.
2024-2025 Inscripción para nuevos estudiantes
Importante: Este formulario es SÓLO para estudiantes que serán NUEVOS en el distrito. -FORMULARIO ESPAÑOL (Spanish Form) RETURNING STUDENT 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR
If your student is returning to Lex2 for the next school year, please register through your active Parent Portal account (link to login page is below).
2024-2025 RETURNING Student Registration (child has attended a school in Lexington District Two previously)
2024-2025 Registro de estudiantes que regresan en el Portal de Padres (el estudiante ha asistido a una escuela en el Distrito Dos de Lexington anteriormente) - FORMULARIO ESPAÑOL (Spanish Form)