Early Childhood


Blocks spelling child

Attention Parents/Guardians of Rising 4K, 5K, and 1st Grade Students 

Register at the school serving the attendance zone in which you live.

CERDEP/4K classrooms are currently housed at:

  • Cayce Elementary School
  • Wood Elementary School
  • Springdale Elementary 
  • Riverbank Elementary
  • Saluda River Academy for the Arts


  • Child must be 4 years old on or before September 1 of applicable school year
  • 4K Screenings will be held in March/April, June, July, or August by appointment only
  • Family income must meet Federal Free & reduced Lunch guidelines

Please note that Limited School Choice is not available for students enrolling in 4K.

For more information, contact (803) 926-5743 or call your school's main office.

 When registering, parents/guardians are required to bring the following information:
  • Birth Certificate from the Board of Vital Statistics of the state in which the child was born. Hospital certificates are not acceptable.
  • A South Carolina Certificate of Immunization from the doctor, health department or military clinic. State law requires immunization for Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Measles and Rubella (German Measles), Mumps, and Hepatitis B. Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine or positive history of disease is also required only for 5K-grade 5. 
  • Proof of income 4K only (acceptable forms of proof are current medicaid card, most recent pay stub, or income tax documents)
  • Proof of residence:  Two proofs required (1) from Group A and (1) from Group B
Group A:   Group B
 Telephone Bill Mortgage Agreement
 Electric Bill Rental/Lease Agreement
(rent receipts are not acceptable)
 Cable Bill Property Tax Receipt
 Water Bill  
 Cell Phone Bill  


Early Childhood in Lexington Two Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does the district offer programs for preschoolers?

A: Lexington School District Two is home to an outstanding child development (CD)/4 year old Kindergarten (4K) program. 4K is open to district residents who turn four on or before September 1 of the applicable school year. Space is limited and acceptances are prioritized through a screening process. 

Students are screened in either March/April, June, July, or August and acceptances are finalized after screening.

4K classrooms are full day and currently housed at:

  • Cayce Elementary School
  • Wood Elementary School 
  • Springdale Elementary 
  • Riverbank Elementary 
  • Saluda River Academy for the Arts

Q: Does the district offer any programs for children younger than age 4?

A: Yes. The first of these is the district’s STAR (Starting Together Arriving Ready) Family Partnership.  Operated through the Office of Parenting and Family Services, the STAR program employs both full-time parent educators and part-time parent educators through a partnership with Lexington County First Steps. These educators make home visits to interested families of children from birth through age five, sharing developmental information, parenting support and educational activities. The STAR program uses the national Parents As Teachers (P.A.T.) model. Parent educators in Lexington Two also operate an ongoing series of playgroups for preschoolers and their parents. For more information on the Parenting and Family Services Program, contact Mary Brooks, Director or Sheri Stewart, Lead Parent Educator at 926-5743.

The district also operates a number of special needs preschool classrooms serving identified 3- and 4-year-old students. Participation in these programs is limited to students with identified special needs. For more information, contact Emmylou Todd, Director, or Felicia Madden, Elementary Coordinator of Special Services at 803-739-4059.

Q: At what age can my child begin attending school in Lexington Two?

A: Age requirements are set by state law and vary by program and grade level. Please see the descriptions below for additional details.

4-Year-Old Child Development
Students turning 4 on or before September 1 of a given school year are eligible to apply for the district’s 4-Year-Old Child Development Program. Spaces in this program are limited.

Full-Day Kindergarten
Students turning 5 on or before September 1 of a given school year may enroll in full-day kindergarten.

First Grade
Students turning 6 on or before September 1 of a given school year are designated for placement in first grade.

Special Needs Preschool Programs
School District Two serves a limited number of 3- and 4-year-old students in special needs preschool programs. In some instances these services are provided after the child’s third birthday, independent of its timing during the year.

Q: My child narrowly misses the birth date cutoffs established by the state. Are there any provisions that would allow him/her to enroll early?

A: School entry age is established under state law. Lexington Two does not make exceptions to the legally defined entry deadlines.

Q: I’d prefer to send my child to kindergarten at his existing preschool. Is this an option?

A: Yes. The district is home to many private and church-based preschools, several of which offer programs for 5-year-olds. Parents are encouraged to select the program they feel will best meet the needs of their child. Please understand, however, that these programs should be viewed as alternatives to public school programs.

Early Childhood Permanent Record Contents

Grade Level

Required data to be placed in permanent record 
4k/Child Development Teachers 

4K Report Card, myIGDIs reports, and  DIAL-4 Record forms 

All other individual assessment data may be shared with the 5K teachers.  *This is a school level decision.

Kindergarten Teachers  5K Report Card, KRA data, placed before DRA Continuum and in the continuum only the final DRA record sheet.

Teachers, please be sure to enter on the continuum all required DRA data.  If there are questions regarding the required DRA information, please consult the ELA website.

All other individual assessment data may be shared with the first grade teachers.  *This is a school level decision.